When: Thursday Evenings Investment: 120$
7 - 8 pm
May 1 - June 19
8 weeks
Where: Exhibition Park
Why? An evening class is a great way to release the stresses from the day. And outdoors is super sweet!It is a fabulous way to unwind before bed. This evening class is full of stretching. We move into all the places that need our attention! Stretching out our hips and shoulders are always popular requests! This class will also help build your strength too! Don't worry, we strike a balance! This is a rain or shine class! But don't let that deter you!
To register click the sign up button. This will lead you to my email. Let me know that you want to join. I will then ask you for payment by e-transfer, or cash to secure your spot in class.
This is a registered class. This is not a drop in class.